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  • Today, I miss you. But today is still good. I’ll get up, I’ll feed the kitty, and I’ll pour myself a cup of tea. I’ve read the Bible and pondered Jesus’ kindness and savagery all in one. I will make some breakfast and share it with a friend, sleepily but happily ending our hunger. I’ll…

  • The best thing to wake up to is your soft lips pressed against mine. My favorite thing, first thing in the morning, is to open my eyes and see you lying beside me, your perfect freckled face dappled in the sunlight streaming through the window. The most beautiful sound in the world is your voice,…

  • Sometimes being quiet is the loudest way to love. It is so hard for me to learn this. The Lord is gently and slowly teaching me how to love by being quiet. For too long, I have equated being quiet with being silent, when they are not the same. A gentle, quiet love does not…

  • I’ve always danced in the kitchen. When it was my turn to do dishes I’d set up the CD player and scrub the kitchen until it sparkled while I danced to my favorite songs. If it was my sister’s turn I’d dance to her music and try to hang out and annoy her as long…

  • I think most of us can agree that a lot of our “purity culture” is pretty messed up. Years of trying to teach kids about the Biblical way to go about sex has ended up in twisted ideas of self-worth, disappointed or confused newlyweds, shallow friendships for fear of getting too deep, and so very…

  • Hullo, world. I’m going to try something new here. I’ve done blogs before, but never quite like this. This will be a sort of public journal. If you care to read, you’ll get random thoughts, made-up recipes, serious musings, silly rants, pretty pictures, and anything else that may occur to me. Whatever is my cup…

  • As much as I might say I dislike working at night, not seeing people at “normal person” times, as much as I get restless and want to move on to other things…I do enjoy this. The night air with a hint of autumn chill, the breeze that brings with it the scent of gasoline, fallen…

  • I am still here. A push for independence turned learning curve, a car accident that totaled my parents’ car, personal melt-downs, family turmoil, lots of growing pains, a lot of prayer, and yesterday’s election…I am still here. Hullo again, world.

  • Honesty time!A few weeks ago, I believe sometime in late January, I JUST finished my last math credit for high school. Not cool that I was still doing it then, but VERY cool that I now have it done. I wasn’t that late because it was hard, either; I was late simply because I procrastinated.…

  • I spoke to my former coach the other day, and realized that I wanted to have a plan, something to tell her I was pursuing, because I wanted her to be happy with me. I told her I was moving towards photojournalism and columns, or some such combination like that. As I was saying it,…