1. I really did care about this election. Also, I voted in it.
2. We were watching the results of said election, and suddenly, Little G just took a few steps and toppled over. He repeated the feat for his father, then held back, suddenly bashful at all the outbursts of applause.
3. It’s snowing right now. And it is beautiful.
4. I have an interest in going to the March for Life this year.
5. I can’t think of a way to tie this in to the whole “living at home, two jobs, not in college” thing. Oh wait!
Ways this totally ties in:
1. I would’ve had to vote absentee in my first election if I was at college, probably.
2. I would NOT have witnessed my nephew’s first steps.
3. I’m safe and warm in my parents’ house and don’t have to worry if I can pay MY heat bill. :/
4. I’m growing up. I’m starting to learn and decide what I truly believe in. And I am starting to try to quit my passivity.
5. I was being lazy ’cause I had a headache….but…that doesn’t have to do with anything.
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