Category: Uncategorized

October 2024


  • The coffee is rich, like honey and dark wood. The words are simple but deeply intricate, like a tapestry that has been perfected, in which one could find the finest details and never stop finding them the closer they look. The blankets are soft and comforting. The company is sweet and healing. The time spent…

  • I am full of fears. I am full of insecurities. I am full of broken things. But can I not walk? Can I not see? Can I not hear and taste and breathe and speak and whisper and shout and sing and dance and run and jump and climb and laugh and cry and make…

  • I am learning more and more to look at the reality of the goodness around me. Like instead of dwelling at “I felt sad after therapy” I COULD focus on: “damn, we’re a good looking couple and I love this man with my whole heart.” You know? The problems in life will find you and…

  • The rain makes the flowers grow. The rain brings contemplative silence, drenched in the never-ending noise of peace in the form of refreshing water. The rain provides that beautiful scent of fresh soil and new beginnings. The rain brings a cooling space to sit, to breathe the fresh air in deep, to dance in the…

  • So often I have seen abusive men in the news. Either they’re getting away with it, or they’re on trial for it. Rape, murder, domestic violence, on and on, all the time, scrolling through the days of my life. When I see these things, I become angry and I become afraid. I don’t want to…

  • Marriage is sitting on the same couch, carefully eating marshmallows out of a very noisy bag while trying to be quiet and reading the Bible, while your husband watches coding videos sped up because he’s gotta get that knowledge, but he’s gotta get it fast. So you know, we both have our quirks and I…

  • A little dinner with a relative you haven’t seen in 12 years. A little walk with your spouse and a camera. A little laughter with the kid next door. A little baking, a little loving, a little making, and all of these moments make my life so joyous.

  • And that’s really all that matters, to quote the lovely Jess Ray. There are some days I struggle to understand that I am loved, not because people do not show me, but because something in my mind has been wired to look for the hidden meaning, to wonder if it’s a test, to assume the…

  • “Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family…